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Pillars of Judaism

The three pillars of Judaism are Teshuvah (return to the right path), Tefillah (prayer) and Tzedakah (social justice). The basic principle of Judaism is the absolute oneness of God as creator, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, who influences the entire universe, but who cannot be limited in any way.


 Principles of Faith:

  1. I believe with perfect faith that Gd, blessed be His Name, is the Creator and Guide of all that has been created; He alone did, does, and will do all things.
  2. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, is One, and that there is no uniqueness in any way equal to His, and that He is the only G‑d who was, is and will be.
  3. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, has no body, and that He is free from all the properties of matter, and that there can be no (physical) comparison with Him whatsoever.
  4. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is the first and the last.
  5. I believe with perfect faith that for the Creator, blessed be His Name, and for Him alone, it is right to pray and that it is not right to pray to any being besides Him.
  6. I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the prophets are true.
  7. I believe with perfect faith that the prophecy of Moses our teacher, peace be upon him, is true and that he was the chief of the prophets, both those who preceded him and those who followed him.
  8. I believe with perfect faith that all the Torah that is now in our possession is the same that was given to Moses our teacher, peace be upon him.
  9. I believe with perfect faith that this Torah will not be exchanged and that there will never be another Torah of the Creator, Blessed be His Name.
  10. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, Blessed be His Name, knows all the actions of human beings and all their thoughts, as it is written: "He who forms the hearts of all, who understands all their actions" (Psalm 33 :15).
  11. I believe with perfect faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, rewards those who keep His commandments and punishes those who transgress them.
  12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of Moshiach and even if he delays, I wait every day for his coming.
  13. I believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection from the dead the moment it pleases the Creator, blessed be His name, and His mention will be exalted forever and ever.







Jewish Liturgical
Calendar Jewish Calendar,5783 [Secular Year 2022–2023]